Örülök,hogy találkoztam itt veletek!Nekem van MZ-ZAZ968 +ZAZTrike + DuplaZapi
Nagyon szeretem építeni és szépíteni Őket.Látogassatok el a honlapomra!
Szép napot!!javascript:emoticon(':)')
nie mam pojęcia o czym Wy (Fido i szaszatis) mówicie poza polskimi i angielskimi tekstami, tak samo nie mam pojęcia o czym nasz węgierski brat mówi z innym węgierskim zakręconym człowiekiem na tym pierwszym filmiku...:( ale witam na forum:))
I am very glad to meet bikers like me. I rode my MZ-ZAZ 968-motorbike for 7 years. Unfortunately, I cannot ride it now because I am not allowed to use it by the police. Regulations are very strict here, I think it is easeier in your country. I build a trike with 2 ZAZ engine. You can watch it on my website, there are lots of pictures about how I am working. Your google-translator works good?Do you understand what I write you in Hungarian?
More or less... It is not very clear but possible to understand.
Could you write something more about regulations and law in Hungary? Why it is impossible to drive your motorcycle? All self made vehicules are prohibited in Hungary?
Chętnie bym się ustatkował. Ale kur.a statku nie mam...
W sprawach niecierpiących zwłoki i tragedii elektrycznych możecie próbować dzwonić 600 817 565
Google translator is not perfect, but I understand what you write.
I was watching your website and pictures.
In Poland there are no problems with the registration of a motorcycle ZAZ.
Mine is registered as the Urals, the type of the 1200th
How do you write it or understand Hungarian, but write in English.
Do you like our forum?
Watched a photo gallery?
Amerykańska mechanizacja na masowe produkcje dobra,na prototypa tylko ręczna robota się opłaca.
I like the forum very much, there are lots to read and it takes me a while to read it bit it is ok.
I have watched tho photos and I have seen a lot of beautiful motorbikes.It is a pity that you are so far
In Hungary if you remake a bike, you can use only suitable pieces.Ural pieces for Ural-bike. You cannot use Kawasaki or Yamaha pieces for Ural because it won’t get documents. You can cheat a bit with little changes but if they find it, it won’t get the documents.
My bike is totally own-made that’s why I could not get documents for it. Some years ago it was possible to get papers for changed-bikes if it was not totally unique. For example you could change engine but now you cannot do anything only if you are official bike-builder and you do it from catalogue. Then you have a project and a licence.
I cannot understand this: “How do you write it or understand Hungarian, but write in English.”
My wife helps me to write
Well now, I feel for you even greater admiration
. You three machine builder, and you can not ride them. Upload more photos. Gyeleti. Én nem beszélek angolul.Gyeleti. Német?